Please provide three comprehensive case histories from your practice. The cases you submit should demonstrate your clinical skills and ability to create complex herbal protocols. Each case history must include a minimum of two follow up sessions with expanded or revised herbal protocols based on an ongoing assessment of their case.

Nutritional and lifestyle changes and complementary therapies (flower essences, homeopathy, nutritional supplements, bodywork, etc.) may be part of a valid protocol. But the cases you submit should demonstrate effective therapies that rely primarily on appropriate herbs, with an explanation for the reason these herbs where chosen.

Please indicate the system of differential assessment you use in your practice.  This includes Western herbalism, American herbalism, and other forms of global herbalism, such as African, Ayurvedic, Chinese, and First Nation.  This system may be based on an established tradition such as a western biomedical model or a traditional model as long as you demonstrate that you are thoroughly knowledgeable about and consistent in applying this model.

Standard assessment measures may include but are not limited to, tongue and pulse assessment, observations of a person's vitality, clearness of eyes, general demeanor, the health of their skin or hair, the quality of their voice or manner of speech, and energetic assessments such as classifying symptoms as hot, cold, damp, dry, excess, deficient, asthenic, and sthenic. Your process of differential assessment includes all of your observations, your client's answers to personal health questions, and, most importantly, a thorough evaluation of their case. Together this information is the basis of a preliminary assessment unique for each client and their stated health goals.

Do not submit rough notes from intake sessions or client intake forms but rather a a consolidated and organized presentation of each case. 

All case histories must be anonymous. Carefully review all client information you submit to be sure you have removed names and any information that would betray confidentiality. Any application submitted with identifying information will be rejected.

Watch the AHG webinar Preparing a Case Study for Review (2014) with Admissions Coordinator Patricia Kyritsi-Howell, RH (AHG). View the slides.