Herbal Medicine & The Lymphatic System: Moving towards the Heart

Webinar Sponsors

with Dr. Marisa Marciano, RH (AHG)
Tuesday, November 21, 2023 - 8:00pm EST

This class will explore the lymphatic system through a holistic lens and its important role in maintaining our bodily health. Both physiological and energetic perspectives on supporting the function and flow of lymph will be discussed with an emphasis on how to incorporate medicinal herbs safely and effectively to support the lymphatics’ diverse health-enhancing effects.

Bio: Dr. Marisa Marciano is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor & Registered Herbalist (AHG) with expertise in both the education and clinical applications of phytotherapy. She received her post-degree medical training from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where she is currently a faculty member, as well as Chair of the Botanical Medicine Department.

Since 2011 she has maintained a clinical practice aimed at integrating the safe use of herbs alongside diet, lifestyle, and conventional therapies, while continually  encouraging the holistic perspectives inherent to herbalism and a deep respect for the healing powers of Nature within her patients.

Dr. Marciano is also the co-author of  "The Botanical Medicine Manual: A Quick Reference Evidence Based Guide”, and is widely recognized for creating the celebrated online herbal resource TheNaturopathicHerbalist.com, both of which intend to serve as relevant and reliable sources of botanical information for both students and clinicians. www.doctormarciano.com